E-Collection is electronic collection of government revenue. Therefore, E-Collection through Treasury Single Account received new development since inception.
However, some of the improvement to e-collection are in line with Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) circular of 10th December 2020.
New Development of E-Collection/TSA implementation in Nigeria
1. New TSA cost of E-Collections for payer and Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs). The charges are grouped into two.
(A). Transaction charges borne by the payer. i) If the payment is received through Point of Sales (POS), it will attract N150 plus 0.50 per cent of the amount being paid subject to a maximum of N1, 000 per transaction.
ii). If payment is received through other channeled, it attracts N150 exclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT)
(B). Transaction charges borne by the MDAs.
(i) They provide the platform for collection.
(ii) They will process all data about the payment and the payer.
(iii) They transmit the data and replicate them and lastly
(iv) Fund sweeping. For this, stakeholder below is to receive fromPayment Solution Service providers (PSSPs) or Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) fund sweeping. This depends on who is playing the collection role for the MDAs. NIBBS is to receives 10% while Office of the Accountant General of the Federation (OAGF) to receives 2.5%.
2. New TSA sharing formula for collection cost received among the various stakeholders as follows:
Collecting Banks——————33%
3. The government link the revenue generating agencies to TSA portal through (PSSPS). PSSPs are companies appointed by government to collect TSA payments from ministries departments and agencies (MDAs).
As at today, payer has to initiate payment from the receiving agencies portal. The way to initiate is to get register or enrolled in the receiving agencies portal.
Requirement to Sign Up for E-Collection/TSA Platform
For E-Collection platform to be effective, these requirements are essential:
a. Provide Tax Identification Number (TIN) and certificate
c. Wait for account to be approved by the receiving agencies
Then, payer cab initiate payment from payer personal account in the receiving agencies portal
Payer will automatically transfer to TSA portal from the receiving agencies portal, for instance Remita
4. Time to Initiate Payment
Payer can only initiate Payment into TSA only when step 3 is being completed.
5. Stakeholders
The addition of Etranzact, Interswitch to join SystemSpec (the operator of Remita) to collect government revenue.SystemSpec has acted as a sole PSSPS appointed by government to collect TSA payments from MDAs.
6. Electronic Payment Companies
The main electronic payment companies involved in TSA increased to four companies. They are Etranzact, Interswitch, SystemSpec and Nigeria Interbank settlement System (NIBSS).
Therefore, NIBBS ensures that all the relevant stakeholders comply with the framework and also communicate collection codes for remittance to PSSPs.
Ogbonna and Ojeaburu (2015) in their study recommended among others, that the government should strengthen Government Integrated Financial Management Information System (GIFMIS) module. Also, cover other area of interest in the national budget to achieve economic development. Moreover, more need to be done to ensure E-Collection are active in all MDAs.
Conceptual framework is dealt with in this post. In line with theoretical foundation and previous research related to this study, a conceptual framework that describes the relationship between environmental accounting and sustainability development in Nigeria. The independent variable (predictor variable) used are oil spillage cost, oil drilling waste disposal cost and degradation as dimensions while the dependent variable (criterion variable) used are human development index and human poverty index as measures.
Figure 1:1 Conceptual framework of environmental accounting and sustainability development in Nigeria
Sources: (List all your source.)
Some school will require you list out the indicators as a bullet under the dimensions of independent variables and measure of dependent variables. Ensure all the indicators are discussed in chapter two (i.e. literature review). One essence of indicator is that it will increase the literature of your work. It will also make it easier for someone to see at glance the direction of your work.
Source of Reference
The essence of the source of reference is because someone may have use one of the dimensions of independent variable and measures of dependent variable before now. So, you have to reference those author accordingly.
Operational Framework
The model in Figure 2:1 above, showed the relationship between environmental accounting and sustainability development in Nigeria. Environmental accounting is the predictor variable with the following dimensions oil spillage cost, oil drilling waste disposal cost and degradation, while sustainability development in Nigeria is the criterion variable with a measure as human development index and human poverty index, whereas the moderating variable is firm size. The directions of the arrows shows the direction of the study relationship. The operational framework thus, illustrates the hypothesised relationship with each arrows representing a study hypothesis. In the operational framework each of the dimensions of environmental accounting are linked to the measures of sustainability development in Nigeria.
Heuristic Model
This Heuristic Model below is showing the result of the test between the dimensions of environmental accounting and measures of sustainability development in Nigeria.
Figure 5.1: Heuristic model of environmental accounting and sustainability development in Nigeria
Bold line indicates strong positive significant relationship
This heuristic model in figure 5:1 shows the result of this study based on the hypotheses tested. The framework used an arrow to explain the relationship between variables that is significant and insignificant.
The design of conceptual framework, operational framework and heuristic model are dynamic in nature. All the design does not need to follow this pattern.
Always find out from your school the accepted design. This information shared will guide you as a researcher and student of higher institution in producing a better thesis and publications.
Treasury Single Account (TSA): This is defined as a unified structure of government bank accounts for MDA’s. TSA is a single account in the custody of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). TSA is a bank account or a set of linked accounts through which the government transacts all its receipts and payments. Treasury Single Account is a concluding phase of the E-collection scheme. The Federal Government of Nigeria commenced the implementation of e-collection component of TSA in January 2015. The first Treasury Circular on e-Collection was issued on the 19th of March 2015.
E-collection automates and streamline revenues and other monies payable to MDAs as well as other Institutions and Parastatal directly into the Consolidated Revenue Fund (CRF) or designated accounts of each MDA at CBN using the CBN Payment Gateway.
This is one of the good initiatives of federal government of Nigeria that has help to bring about transparency and accountability. This initiative has given Nigeria government control over the management of fund in the hand of Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDAs).
Ensure total compliance with the relevant provisions of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) (Section 162 & 80).
Collect and remit all revenues due to the Federation Account and Federal Government Consolidated Revenue Fund.
Block all leakages in government revenue generation, collection and remittance
Enthrone a new regime of transparency and accountability in the management of government receipts.
Improve on availability of funds for development programs and projects.
Align with the CBN Cashless policy.
Ease the burden of revenue payers.
Government have oversight of all revenue and other monies collected by MDAs
2. Increase Government receipt by blocking any form of leakages
3. Makes it easier for Nigerians to pay government through introduction of electronic channels like Cards, Internet Banking and POS.
4. Payment is received promptly, and service can be rendered to the payer
5. Ensure availability of funds for the execution of government policies, programmes and projects. Control aggregate cash flows within fiscal and monetary limits
6. Improve management of domestic borrowing programme
7. Investment of idle funds
8. Improves transparency and accountability of all FGN receipts
9. Consolidated view of government cash position and status
Ministries, Departments & Agencies (MDAs);
2. Deposit Money Banks (DMBs);
3. Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN);
4. Service Providers.
Provide payment gateway platform
2. Development of overall e-collection and e-payment policies for the nation
3. Interfacing with Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) and monitoring them
4. Creation and maintenance of bank accounts including CRF/TSA, FAAC and TSA Sub Accounts
Ensures that:
Their duties under the subsisting Payment Gateway MOU are effectively discharged
2. Customers making payment to government are given prompt service
3. All collections in favour of government are promptly remitted
4. Operational and other relevant issues are logged with appropriate authorities (OAGF, CBN and REMITA) without delay
Ensure that their revenue targets are met
2. Provide their payers with details of payment including amount and nature of payment
3. Guide payers on e-collection processes including how to pay at the bank or through other channels of the CBN Payment Gateway (Remita).
4. Where applicable, ensure that appropriate services are rendered upon confirmation of payment
Ensure effective implementation of e-collection
2. Development of operational guidelines
3. Proper monitoring of the collection gateway
4. Prompt reconciliation of all collections
5. Support MDAs, banks and payers for smooth operation of e-collection
6. Regular monitoring of all collections to ensure that they are promptly remitted and accounted for
7. Issuance as well as continuous review and update of the e-Collection guidelines and processes
8. Abide by the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with CBN, Service Provider and Banks
THE ROLE OF SERVICE PROVIDER ie Remitta, Interswtich etc
Work with CBN, OAGF and other stakeholders to articulate system requirements
2. Provide a robust, stable and effective integrated processing platform
3. Ensure the optimal availability of all relevant systems and platforms
4. Provide effective and efficient support to users of the platform
5. Provide users with relevant reports
6. Training of users on the use of the payment gateway.
This is an electronic system of payment for all of government funds through the banks either commercial banks or CBN. The Federal Government of Nigeria commenced the implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA) in April 2012, with the e-Payment component. E-payment covers the following transactions:
All payments to
contracts and consultants.
2. service providers e.g. PHCN.
3. payment to staff.
4. payment to other government agencies e.g. National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS), Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), National Housing Fund (NHF).
Issuance as well as continuous review and update of the e-Collection guidelines and processes
These are some of the E-Payment benefits:
It eliminates the:
1. Unacceptable delay in payments
2. The uses of cheques in payment of all transactions within the Federation Government
3. Interaction between the contractor and government official in the payment of FG contracts
The benefits of ICAN certificate to all area of our lives are enormous. ICAN, whose membership comprises of accountants, auditors, and accounting technicians. It was established in 1965 by Act of Parliament No. 15 of 1st September 1965 (the ICAN Act) (icanig.org). Since then, it has improved the lives of its members and the nation in general.
Being a member of ICAN make you become a professional in accountancy. Opportunities will be available to you when you become a full member of ICAN. A lot of information will be available to you to create wealth.
In the public sector, apart from increase morale and a sense of achievement, there are other things to enjoy. This report looked at two things that are considered benefits of ICAN certificate. If you are a qualified member of ICAN before you got employment cadre of the Federal Government of Nigeria, these are your benefits.
Entry-level with ICAN certificate
This means the moment you are qualified as a chartered accountant before gaining employment in the public sector, you have a chance to start in Grade Level 10.
ICAN members with certificate will still be considered for employment in the public sector in line with the provision of the existing scheme of service even without them having a first degree.
It is only ICAN and other related qualifications prescribed in the scheme of service considered for civil service appointment without a first degree.
The entry point for every ICAN member is GL 10.
Advancement of ICAN qualified members
Advancement means moving an officer up from one rank to a higher one within his class or cadre. It is not the same with conversion.
An officer who is on a Grade Level 08 advanced to Grade Level 10. It is a way, a type of promotion. The officer must possess the qualification, which the scheme of service stipulated for holders of that office.
In the case of ICAN members’ already in service, whose grade is below Grade Level 10 and who obtain ICAN qualification is qualified to be advanced to Grade level 10.
The moment that employee sits for ICAN exams and qualify. He or she is qualified to notify his or her employer of the new qualification for considerations.
Ordinarily, the promotion would have taken a minimum of 6 years if he or she passes the confirmation and promotion exams. The power of the ICAN certificate can make it possible in two years.
Student of accounting in higher institutions and accounting officers in the service of the Federal Government needs to take advantage of this opportunity that is made available. This qualification needs to be presented before attaining grade level 10. I
This post is not a legal advice. You are to carry out due diligent on your own.