Top 55 balance sheet keywords relevant to business. It all started from account receivables to total non-current liabilities

Top 55 balance sheet keywords are available below.

1. Account Receivables

2. Account Payables

3. Accrual

4. Asset

5. Accumulated Depreciation

6. Bank Account

7. Bank Overdraft

8. Bill Payable

9. Cash and Cash Equivalents 

10. Computer Software

11. Copyrights 

12. Current Asset

13. Current Liabilities(within 1year) 

14. Current tax payable( Unpaid Tax)

15. Customer Lists.

16. Deferred tax 

17. Development Cost

18. Dividend payable(Unpaid Dividend)

19. Equity

20. Furniture and Fixtures

21. Goodwill 

22. Intangibles Noncurrent Asset 

23. Inventories 

24. Investments in Associates 

25. Investments in Equity Instruments 

26. Land and building

27. Liabilities 

28. Long-term Asset.

29. Long-term Borrowings 

30. Long-term Provisions 

31. Mortgage Payable 

32. Motion Picture Firm 

33. Net Assets 

34. Net Worth

35. Non-Controlling Interest 

36. Non-current Liabilities (over one year) 

37. Non-current Asset

38. Notes Payable 

39. Other Components Equity 

40. Other Current Assets 

41. Other Intangible Asset           

42. Patents

43. Prepaid

44. Property, Plant and Equipment

45. Retained Earnings 

46. Salary Payable

47. Share Capital 

48. Share part of Long Term Borrowings 

49. Short Term Borrowings (Short-term debt)

50. Short term provisions 

51. Tangible Non-current Asset 

52. Trade Mark

53. Total Assets 

54. Total current liabilities

55. Total Non-current liabilities    

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