Femi Omosehin
Why you must investment in real estate in Nigeria are enormous is a question that needs answer. In an unpredictable time like this when the economy of Nigeria is being blighted by inflations and interest rates are reaching for the sky, real estate has become a suitable and top investment with which to cushion the impact of the harsh economy on your financial future.
Through real estate, you can enjoy amazing returns on investment and leverage real estate to build enviable wealth. Below are the five top reasons why real estate investment being the right investment for you in an austere time like this.
Real Estate Delivers Higher Returns Than the Stock Market with Less Volatility
Real estate is not subject to the kind of volatility that plagued stock markets around the world. Your property investment appreciates in value as the market improves, thus giving you the edge to build equity. However, in the stock market, the risk remains as there are numerous unpredictable factors outside your control that can negatively impact your investment. In real estate, you have more control of your investment because your property investment is a tangible asset that you can leverage to create new channels of wealth while your capital keeps appreciating.
Real Estate Has a High Tangible Asset Value
Apart from the fact that homeowner’s insurance will protect your investment in real estate, your property investment will always have appreciated value.
Asset for Collateral
Your real estate investment can stand as collateral to secure loans from financial institutions for your business expansion. Real Estate investment is the most valid collateral from all over the world to secure a lot and that is because the value of landed properties keeps appreciating.
It Guarantees Financial Stability
Why you must invest in real estate in Nigeria is also because of the crunching economic condition, your real estate investment can give you financial stability through returns on investment on your property investment. Throughout history, real estate investment has withstood economic instability. An investment in property is an investment in financial stability.
An Investment in Real Estate Can Diversify Your Portfolio
Portfolio diversification is a vital way to grow financially by spreading out your risk and real estate investment gives you that opportunity. Real estate will always serve as a way to secure fixed assets to mitigate the risk in your portfolio. As they say, it is not safe to put all your eggs in a single basket. Real estate gives you that golden opportunity to have many baskets with which to grow your wealth.
Why you must invest in real estate in Nigeria is something you need to give a thought. As you invest in other business, you can also give the option of investing in real estate where many have taken advantage of the value of appreciation to their investment.
Written by: Femi Omosehin
Email: babafemifelix@gmail.com
Edited by: Ohimai Consulting

He is a doctorate holder, writer and seasoned Chartered Accountant with over 16 years of experience. He has adequate research knowledge in accounting, finance, content creation, SEO, online coaching, student mentorship, academic writing, books and journal publication. He has a keen interest in business and personal growth.